
Edit Resource: Color


SCHED / EditResource '<ResourceName>' Color <Apply> <Opaqueness> <Red> <Green> <Blue>


The Color attribute under EditResource allows you to assign a specific color to the given resource using RBG color code to define the color. This color will be reflected in the Resource Gantt and in the Task Assignment Gantt for any task using the current resource. If a task has multiple resources with their colors overridden, the first resource's color will be displayed in the Task Assignment Gantt.


Parameter Description
Apply Options are either YES or NO. If YES, Scheduler will override the default color scheme.
Opaqueness: A number between 0-255, where 0 is not opaque and 255 is completely opaque.
Color A number between 0-255 representing the ratio of the color.


This resource would be represented by the color cyan in the gantt view.

SCHED / EditResource 'Ops Team' Color YES 255 0 255 255